Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2020.010206.
Choo Kwang Raymond
Liverpool John Moores Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Liverpool, Merseyside, England
With the development of China's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the agricultural production structure has also been adjusted, and the protected cultivation agriculture has developed rapidly, in which the area of protected vegetable cultivation accounts for a large proportion. In the process of protected vegetable cultivation, due to the extensive use of agricultural film, pesticides, plastic greenhouses, as well as the return of urban sludge to the field and sewage irrigation, the soil organic pollution in China's protected vegetable cultivation bases has become increasingly serious, especially the ionic liquid pollution contained in pesticides is more common. This paper takes ionic liquids as the research object, carries out microbial experimental cultivation tests on them, and explores the impact of pesticide pollution(PP) on the functional diversity of soil microbial communities. It is concluded that the addition of ionic liquids to soil will have an impact on the soil ecosystem. The order of toxicity of the three ionic liquids to soil is [c10mim]br>[c6mim]br>[c4mim]br. These results can provide some theoretical and experimental basis for the screening of pesticide degrading strains, soil remediation and practical field application research in the future.
Pesticide Pollution, Soil, Microbial Community, Functional Diversity
Choo Kwang Raymond. Pesticide Pollution Affects the Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Community. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 44-53.
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