Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2021.020105.
Hanbiba Sadia
Univ Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
The working environment of water environment monitoring is relatively harsh, and it is not suitable for human beings to station for a long time. Wireless sensor network provides a new concept for this field, which not only has lower cost and power consumption, but also is more convenient for monitoring data access management in this network era, real-time monitoring. This is a revolutionary innovation for water environment monitoring in terms of actual function and equipment cost. The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of water environment monitoring system based on wireless sensor network. The data-related control flow of the microprocessor when the system is working is introduced in detail. Then the flow of the main program of the monitoring system is proposed, and four functional modules are designed: the data acquisition program of the nodes, the wireless communication program between the nodes and the GPRS sending short message program, and the performance of the system is tested by experiments. The results show that the application effect of the monitoring system meets the requirements.
Wireless Sensor, Wireless Network, Water Environment Monitoring, System Construction
Hanbiba Sadia. Water Environment Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 39-47.
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