Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2020, 1(4); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2020.010402.
Amare Charun
University of Balochistan, Pakistan
With the acceleration of the process of lacustrization, the ensuing eutrophication disaster of water body has an increasing impact on people's normal life and production. Lake water body calculation model is an important means to realize the mechanism analysis, risk assessment and loss calculation of eutrophication disaster. Aiming at the problems and difficulties existing in the research of eutrophication of lake water, this paper introduces the advanced idea of multi-level grid(MLG) of spatial information to solve the above problems, discusses the general idea of MLG construction method of eutrophication of water, proposes the related technologies of grid spatial database, and finally builds a series of analysis and decision-making models based on MLG through the parameter collection and calibration test analysis of MLG experimental model, Provide strong data support for the prevention and control of water eutrophication(VE) disasters.
Multi Level Grid, Water Eutrophication, Grid Spatial Database, Grid Construction Method
Amare Charun. Water Eutrophication based on Multilevel Grid. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 4: 9-18.
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