Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2021.020406.
Stamp Lisa
Anadolu University, Turkey
The increasingly serious environmental crisis caused by the global economic has prompted all countries in the world to attach importance to the coordinated development. Today, in the process of human development, the speed of demand for environmentally friendly natural resources has far exceeded the speed of energy self-regeneration, and the rate of generation of environmentally friendly waste has exceeded the degree of ecological self-cleaning. These problems have gone beyond the limitations of the environment and natural resources. The purpose of this paper is to study the coordinated development process of environmental economy based on GDP ecological accounting, based on ecological economy, environmental value theory and sustainable development theory, and guided by the methodology of national economic accounting., Ecological GDP Research Framework. Establish an accounting system. Taking M province as the research object, conduct on-the-spot investigation and data collection on its economic and environmental conditions, and on the basis of in-depth absorption of relevant domestic and foreign theories and special experience, to find a path guarantee and environment suitable for economic development. The results show that the average level of orderly development of the environmental system in M province (0.302) is higher than the level of orderly development of the economic system (0.291).
Ecological GDP Accounting, Environmental Economy, Coordinated Development, Path Research
Stamp Lisa. Coordinated Development Path of Environmental Economy Based on Ecological GDP Accounting. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 44-52.
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