Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2022.030404.
Sheth Siddharth
Univ Batna2, Comp Sci Dept, LaSTIC Lab, Batna 05078, Algeria
With the increase in electronic products, the resulting e-waste has also increased, and people have begun to make a profit by processing this e-waste and recycling the metals in it. In my country, the early electronic dismantling industry was dominated by small workshops, with small restrictions, simple processes, no environmental protection measures, and lack of supervision by government agencies, resulting in heavy pollution of waste generated during the dismantling process, especially the soil environment. The main purpose of this paper is to study the soil pollution caused by PCBs in solid waste dismantling and related bioremediation. In this paper, the treatment methods of PCB pollution were analyzed, and the mechanism of microbial degradation of PCBs was studied. Finally, a virtual polluted soil was conducted to compare the neural network and Kriging analysis methods. The experiment found that by further comparing the spatial distribution of different estimation results, compared with the original global pollution distribution in Figure A, the estimation result of GFBP is closer to the original distribution than the estimation result and Kriging estimation result, indicating that the estimation result of GFBP is better.
Dismantled Solid Waste, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Soil Pollution, Bioremediation
Sheth Siddharth. Bioremediation of Soil Pollution by Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Solid Waste Dismantling. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 26-36.
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