International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/IJEIS.2022.030306.
Yan Gao
School of Foreign Languages, Huzhou University, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, China
If grammar, according to Generative Grammar of Chomsky at least, is innate to some extent, the vocabulary of a language is the products of culture. If we say a language is part of a culture, the fact is mainly reflected in its vocabulary, if universal grammar does exist as Chomsky claims. This research is based on this hypothesis: Cultural differences affect the vocabulary transfer of the mother tongue into the second language and culturally similar words are much more easily acquired by an ESL learner than culturally different words. If this hypothesis is true, culturally similar words should be easily learned by ESL learners and the previous study of the second language culture should help ESL learners acquire those culturally different words. Obviously the proof of this hypothesis has great significance for ESL learners and it is significant to the English teaching.
Culture, Vocabulary, Transfer, ESL, Language Teaching
Yan Gao. Culture Factors in ESL Vocabulary Acquisition of Language Teaching. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 50-56.
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