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Frontiers in Educational Psychology | Scholar Publishing Group

Frontiers in Educational Psychology

ISSN: 2790-0975

Educational psychology is a science that studies the psychological laws of students' learning and teachers' teaching in school educational situation, and it is intended to apply psychological theories or research results to education. After a long time of development and improvement, the theory and technology of educational psychology have been greatly developed, and have affected politics, economy, culture and other aspects. The Journal of Educational Psychology is a comprehensive international journal focusing on the latest developments in the field of educational psychology. It covers a wide range of research fields,, including memory research, cognitive processes, learning rules and individual differences, etc.

This journal aims to help educational psychology practitioners and specialists keep up with the increasing amount of information published in their subject, and provide an international communication platform for professionals to disseminate, share and discuss issues and developments in different directions in the field of educational psychology. Finally, it will promote the breakthrough of educational psychological research worldwide.

While attaching importance to research methods and quality, the journal strongly supports ideological innovation, academic innovation and technological innovation. Whether it is for a single subdiscipline of educational psychology or for an entire field related article is expected here. Original articles on educational psychology are welcomed, especially information on the latest research methods and practices with an empirical base.

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