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International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management

ISSN: 2789-715X

International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management is an excellent platform for academic exchange between scholars and experts in the fields of economic and social sciences. We invite outstanding experts and scholars in the fields of economic and social sciences. The hope is to promote social science and economic development around the world.

International Journal of Social Science and Economic Management present the research results of some outstanding people in the field of research, providing scholars with a deeper level of discussion to reach some conclusions for the benefit of society.

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2023

Asset Structure and Company Performance

Baifang Liu, Yingqi Jia

Abstract | References | PDF | HTML | Pub. Date: Nov 18, 2023

DOI: 10.38007/IJSSEM.2023.040305

Analysis of Cross-Border E-Commerce Marketing Strategy of B2B Model Based on TIKTOK Platform

Hongsheng Xu , Wanxing Li, Guofang Kuang, Ganglong Fan

Abstract | References | PDF | HTML | Pub. Date: Nov 15, 2023

DOI: 10.38007/IJSSEM.2023.040301